Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Verse System (V): A Universal Measurement Framework for Interstellar Science and Communication

 The Verse System (V): A Universal

Measurement Framework for

Interstellar Science and



We propose the Verse System (V), a universal system of mea-

surement based on fundamental physical constants: the speed of light

(c) and the hydrogen hyperfine transition period (Thydrogen). This

system provides a measurement framework for distance, time, and

timekeeping that is independent of planetary cycles and human con-

ventions, ensuring applicability for interstellar communication,

space exploration, and scientific research. We define the Verse

(V) as ...

1 Introduction

Human measurement systems, including SI and Imperial units, are Earth-

centric and unsuitable for interstellar communication. The need for a planet-

independent measurement system arises in the context of space explo-

ration and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). The Verse

System (V) addresses this issue by defining distance, time, and a cal-

endar system based on universal physical constants, recognizable by any

advanced civilization.


2 The Verse Distance Unit (V)

2.1 Definition

The Verse (V) is defined as:

1V = c × Thydrogen (1)


• c = 299, 792, 458 m/s (speed of light),

• Thydrogen = 7.04024 × 10−10 s (hydrogen hyperfine transition period).

This results in:

1V = 0.211 mm (2)

2.2 Scaling for Practical Use

Table 1: Scaling of the Verse Distance Unit

Unit Notation Value

Verse (V) 100 0.211 mm

KiloVerse (kV) 103 21.1 cm

MegaVerse (MV) 106 211 km

GigaVerse (GV) 109 211,000 km

TeraVerse (TV) 1012 211 million km

3 The Verse Time Unit (VT)

3.1 Definition

The Verse Time (VT) is based on the same hydrogen hyperfine transition:

1VT = Thydrogen = 7.04024 × 10−10 s (3)


Unit Notation Value

Verse Time (VT) 100 7.04 × 10−10 KiloVerse Time (kVT) 103 7.04 × 10−7 MegaVerse Time (MVT) 106 7.04 × 10−4 GigaVerse Time (GVT) 109 0.704 s

TeraVerse Time (TVT) 1012 704 s (12 min)




Table 2: Scaling of the Verse Time Unit

3.2 Scaling for Practical Use

4 The Verse Calendar

The Verse Calendar provides a universal timekeeping system that is inde-

pendent of planetary motion. It is structured as follows:

Table 3: The Verse Calendar System

Verse Calendar Unit Symbol Duration

Verse Cycle VC 12 minutes

Verse Hour VH 1 hour

Verse Day VD 10 hours

Verse Week VW 3.3 Earth days

Verse Month VM 33 Earth days

Verse Year VY 330 Earth days

5 Applications of the Verse System

The V system applies across various scientific disciplines:

• Quantum physics (VT for atomic transitions)

• Quantum physics (VT for atomic transitions)

• Computing (kVT for processor cycles)

• Computing (kVT for processor cycles)

• Human-scale timekeeping (VH, VD for standard clocks)

• Human-scale timekeeping (VH, VD for standard clocks)

• Interstellar travel (TV, PV for space navigation)

• Interstellar travel (TV, PV for space navigation)

• Cosmology (PVT, EVT for galactic-scale measurements)

• Cosmology (PVT, EVT for galactic-scale measurements)


• SETI (for extraterrestrial communication protocols)

6 Conclusion

The **Verse System (V)** presents a **universal measurement framework**

for interstellar science. It is based on natural constants, making it a log-

ical standard for interstellar navigation, SETI, and astrophysical

research. We propose its adoption for:

• Space agencies (NASA, ESA, SpaceX) for interstellar travel.

• Astrophysicists for cosmic-scale measurements.

• SETI programs for extraterrestrial communication.

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Unwavering Pledge

For over eight decades, the haunting refrain of "Never Again" has reverberated through the corridors of history, a poignant vow forged by the aftermath of the Holocaust. In this introspective journey, we unravel the profound layers of this commitment and explore its intricate dance with the State of Israel, dissecting how a pivotal moment on October 7th shook the foundations of this enduring promise.

At its core, "Never Again" is not a plea to the world but a sacred covenant among Jews—an unwavering commitment to shield against the horrors once inflicted by the Nazis. It is a promise whispered to ourselves, carrying the weight of an inherent responsibility to protect against the unspeakable.

The seismic events of October 7th acted as a jarring wake-up call, a stark reminder that perpetual vigilance is the price of this solemn vow. The gradual evolution of mindset, the slow realization of vulnerability, mirrors the delicate nature of understanding the fragility of our defenses.

Israel, throughout its existence, has been the moral shield against humanity's darkest instincts. Yet, this shield, once impenetrable, revealed a lapse that allowed the ghosts from the past to infiltrate the age of artificial intelligence. Complacency and overconfidence invited vulnerability—an Achilles' heel laid bare.

"Never Again" transcends rhetoric; it demands a perpetual commitment to anticipating threats. It calls for the meticulous reconstruction of governmental structures and intelligence, a tireless effort to prevent the recurrence of past failures.

Regrettably, our understanding of the enemy remained stagnant, despite knowing their willingness to commit genocide given the opportunity. The pledge necessitates an unyielding reconstruction of dormant government systems, a political shakedown and a critical examination of past failures—an imperative step toward fortifying against future threats.

The failure of anticipation shattered the illusion of invincibility, exposing vulnerabilities in the army's resourcefulness and unveiling an unhurried response. It introduced an additional risk—a volatile undercurrent in the region.

As we reevaluate the pledge of "Never Again," we confront a sobering reality: this commitment is not a one-time proclamation but a call to perpetual action. The events of October 7th serve as a reminder that the price of complacency is steep. To honor the pledge requires unwavering vigilance, constant adaptation, and a steadfast dedication to constructing a defense that withstands the test of time.

"Never Again" must transcend words; it must be a living testament to the resilience of a people who refuse to let history's dark chapters repeat. It is a call to forge an unbreakable shield, not just against external threats but against the erosion of our own commitment. In this ongoing journey, "Never Again" becomes a living, breathing promise—a beacon that guides us through the turbulent seas of history, ensuring that the echoes of the past remain lessons rather than harbingers of a future we vowed never to witness again.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

The world still doesn't get it

A commonplace movie theme involves a high school, a bully and a boy being victimized. We all cheer when the boy learns how to defend himself and gives the bully a life-lesson. In today's Middle East something very similar has happened, the only difference is that the audience hails the bully. 

Almost a century ago, an Arab mob went to the Jewish area in Hebron and started lynching, raping and killing its dwellers. They did that, oddly enough, because the Arabs started a rumor that the Jews were going to seize control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The result,  67 dead, all Jews. This tragedy shaped the Israeli Palestinian conflict to this day. Bear in mind that the State of Israel was not established yet, there were no green line, no Hamas, no PA (Palestinian Authority) and no settlements. 

One week ago, a barrage of rockets were fired at Jerusalem by Hamas, riots started in Jerusalem and other cities in Israel. The excuse was a private civil law suit involving a tenant and landlord, as happens daily in every city on earth. The rumor was that the Jews wanted to take control of the Temple Mount. 

So, basically the scenario and the actors are exactly the same as in the pogrom of 1929. The one difference is that the little boy who was bullied, now has a black belt in karate. 

Make no mistake, if it was not for the ingenuity and the sheer power of the Israel Defense, we would be witnessing another catastrophic chapter in Jewish history. 

What is so striking is that a large portion of the audience is rooting for the aggressor.

On news outlets, on social media and in coffee shops around the world, people are outraged that Israel is defending itself. Many world governments hypocritically, denounce Israel as the aggressor, knowing full well that if their country was under attack they would react far more aggressively than what Israel is doing. 

But similar situations don't have the same response. When Boko Haram gets bombed by Nigeria, absolutely no one tweets a thing, most will agree that those Islamists deserve it. 

Every single country in the world when attacked by a foreign power will use all of its might to stop the attacking entity and get an unconditional surrender. Why are we expecting Israel to be different?  

Israel has to deal with one of the most complex conflicts in modern times as it defends its civilian population while trying to minimize collateral damage to an enemy that scores media points with every civilian lost on their side, even if that civilian was killed by their own aggression.

The only reasonable explanation is that a large portion of the world can't see themselves on the same side with Jews. Others join this group because they are easily manipulated with half truths and social media trends. 

The image of the helpless jew being victimized by Nazis, by Russian mobs, by Islamic mobs, by inquisitors, has been replaced by a strong Jew that will not take any more nonsense from Jew haters around the world. The paradigm has shifted, but much of the world still doesn't get it. 

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Is Israel overreacting regarding Covid19?

Next Week, the Israeli government will be discussing the new travel policy. So far a 14 day quarantine is mandatory for anyone flying into Ben Gurion's International airport, from many parts of Europe. Flights have been canceled altogether from other countries like China and Korea.

At the time of writing Israel has no more than 30 cases of Novel Coronavirus, and thousands have been placed on self quarantine, awaiting results.

Next Monday, the list will encompass most of the world, including the United States, Israel's biggest tourism partner. Some speculate that every single person regardless of origin will be placed on a general 14 day quarantine. The cost will be in the billions of dollars.

Is Israel overreacting? The mortality rate is currently estimated at 1% - 2.5%. Many have suggested that the virus will be impossible to contain and that it will be around for some time until an effective vaccine is found.

The vast majority of fatalities have been people 80 years and older, with underlying health issues.

Israel's policy is sound health wise. More importantly it pays homage to its elderly population, sometimes called the Miracle Generation. This generation was called upon to defeat Hitler and to disembark in Normandy. They are the children of the great depression who effectively changed the world. Israel is a country with a very good memory. Its politicians frequently act upon recent history, and many times ancient history. While this generation was not the first to envision the state of Israel, It was they who made it a reality. They fought and won Israel's first Impossible war. They became the backbone of Israeli society. Many of them came from Europe, having survived Hitler's war on the Jews, only to fight for survival once again.

Israel's strict visiting policy will cost billions, many jobs will be lost and many businesses will shut down. By doing so, the State of Israel refuses to close the chapter of the Shoa without a final fight. This unprecedented and extreme policy defends the generation whose sacrifices allowed the dream of Israel to come true.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Israel: The canary inside the coal mine.

If somebody is unfamiliar with the saying, here’s how the story goes: when the miners go to the coal mine, they take a canary bird with them. Should there be any toxic gases, the canary will be the first to die and the miners will know to leave the mine immediately to make it out alive.

In both the World War II and the current global war on terror, the attacks on the Jews were precursors to broader attacks that were in the planning stages on a truly massive scale.
Hitler was oppressing Jews back in 1933. But the world was pretty accustomed to anti-Semitism, wasn’t all that outraged by it, and so, amid all the signs that this guy was a monster, decided to give Hitler a pass. Hitler took advantage of the time allotted him, built up his army, and ended up killing millions of Russians, British and Americans … in addition to half the world’s Jews.
It is clear that the same thing has now transpired with global, Islamic terrorism. When Arab terrorists first started killing Israeli schoolchildren back in the 60′s and 70′s, the world turned a blind eye and dismissed it as a regional conflict. Dead Jews were not big news. The world, which had already absorbed the idea of 6 million more dead Jews, didn’t take terrorism seriously. The reaction of the world community was to view the Arab attacks as legitimate skirmishes with Israelis – an outrageous notion, to be sure, given the fact that the Arabs were directly targeting civilians and non-combatants.
A truly outrageous case in point was the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic games of 1972. So casually was this tragedy taken that, amazingly, the games continued the very next day. Unbelievably, the German government released the three captured hijackers a few weeks later, and they promptly returned to a hero’s welcome. One must seriously wonder what would have happened had the dead athletes been American, German or British. Would their deaths have been treated so cavalierly? Would these governments have allowed the games to continue before the victims were even buried?
The legacy of the Munich Olympics was not even one of sympathy for Israel, but of a heightened awareness of the Palestinian cause. In this respect, the Munich massacre was a watershed in the history of terror because it taught the terrorists that they actually further their cause – with publicity and public sympathy – by killing innocent civilians.
The same was true of the horrific murder of wheelchair-bound passenger Leon Klinghoffer aboard the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1983. Here, the world barely reacted to a truly gruesome murder involving an invalid being shot in his wheelchair in front of his wife, and then pushed overboard into the ocean. Shockingly, the Italian government later released the terrorists who perpetrated this unspeakable crime. And through all this, the world largely remained silent.
That is, until the terrorists stopped killing only Jews and began killing people on the streets of New York, Bali, Madrid and Moscow. Now everyone recognizes that terrorism is an evil that threatens the entire world, not just Jews.
Jews have served as an almost infallible early-warning system, alerting the world’s leaders to the next great evil that will stalk the earth. If the world would just learn to be sensitive to Jewish life, it would save its own behind as well.
Even if we ignore the idea of the Jews as the chosen people, the fact is the Jews have, unfortunately, served as an effective early-warning system precisely because thugs, bullies and murderers usually attack the most vulnerable targets first. People who crave unbridled power always start with the weak. Jews have been easy targets. They are a tiny nation whose refusal to adopt the religious mores of their neighbors have branded them as outsiders. They have therefore been attacked and scapegoated by evil regimes throughout the generations, and had the world simply looked at who was picking on the Jews, they might have easily identified the next great threat to their own security.  R.S. Boatech and Moises Mizrachi

Friday, July 11, 2014

Beating Israel with Peace

This is the recipe to finally beat Israel, if this gets to the right hands, it might change something.

First and foremost, do not mix religion and politics, these two subjects do not go well together, they literally are an explosive mix. ISLAM IS NOT THE SOLUTION. It never was.

Use all of your energy, and focus not on destroying Israel, but on building Palestine, and by building I mean build. You need hospitals, good schools, roads, commerce and most importantly institutions that support a democratic system. Forget about Israel and their land, it has been lost and will not be part of Palestine anytime soon. Focus on Gaza which is by all standards an independent entity that could flourish in to a successful state. It has a coast, an international recognized border, its own population with language, culture and a type of government.  The world has poured billions in aid and all this resources have been tragically lost, in part because of a rampant corruption but mainly because of Hamas's fixation on destroying Israel. Very little has been dedicated to actually building a State, while destroying Israel is center stage. All of which has played into your enemy's advantage (See Thank you Hamas! ).

First step, demilitarized the place.
Once you have developed Gaza into a peaceful state,  Israel will have no option but to open the blockade. No more rockets, kidnappings, or any kind of cross border attacks. I know it will be hard to change this old habit, and probably a great source of income from all the countries that support terror and the destruction of Israel, but this in not for the short term, this is for the future stake of your people.

Then stop incitement while investing in education.
For your own sake, Palestinians need to embrace Peace, stop adoring murderers and killers. Martyrs they are not. You will have an identity crisis, and this is normal. Palestinian violence has been woven together with other aspects of culture, that once out, it will form a void. This must be filled with your own ways. I am not preaching you have to become western by any means, you just need to become peace loving, which is a human gift not a western value.  

Then commerce and tourism will start to flourish, Gaza has beautiful beaches, and a great locations, exploit your advantages.

Then you can start to compete to beat Israel, it will take years but Americans, Europeans and even Israelis will invest in your land, you can attract investment by having lower taxes, rule of law, educated work force, if women can have a voice, good for you. Play all of this to your advantage, if this falls in to the right hands, 20 years from now Apple will be opening its newest plant in Gaza and not in Ramat Gan. And thats how you beat Israel with Peace.    :)

Thank you Hamas... Sincerely Israel

Hamas has been one of the largest supporters of Israel and it's economic development comparable only to the United States.

This sounds like a foolish sentence, but ironically it has become true,  how can an Islamic radical government sworn to destroy Israel be responsable  for such a huge bonanza?

20 years ago, Hamas introduced to the Israeli Society a new version of terrorism, it started by blowing up buses and suicided bombings, this human tragedy was transformed by Israel into a screen and security system that reduced the amount of incidents in the recent years to nearly zero. As a consequence, Israel has become a powerhouse in security and information technologies. It has become Israel's number one export. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have jobs because of this and it's only growing.

The next great ideas from the Palestinian leadership were sporadic attacks and kidnappings. The last decade Israel became a world leader in Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV's), exporting billions and developing a new industry.

The newest idea is rockets, well oddly enough there is an Israeli response, and an app for that too. The iron dome with the help of the US, has become a great success, it has intercepted hundreds of rockets, and it has been battle tested. The only country in the world that has experience destroying a missile mid air is Israel. So now a new industry is born, and again the world leader... Israel. Not only are the rockets inefficient killing machines, they are send to civilian centers in Israel, a war crime itself, giving Israel the right to blow whatever target it deems necessary in Gaza. With all the support of the world and rightly so. Thank you Hamas! But the buck does not literally stops here, Israel is developing 2 other mid air defenses as of today. One is Lasers and the other is rapid fire, each will become a whole industry employing thousands and exporting billions.

And the media plays along, every informed person on planet earth knows about this, and so do the leaders of every county, so the media acts like a huge free sponsor for Israel and its newest industries.

So Hamas is partly responsable for this economic miracle Israel has experienced, being Israeli ingenuity responsable for the other half.

Israel was one of the only countries in the world that did not experience a recession, in late 2008, and it's economic numbers in unemployment, debt, inflation and exchange rate are nothing short of impressive.

So Hamas keep up the good work, Israel depends on you.

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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

The Black Hole inside Hawking’s Brain

Dear Mr Hawking, I am writing this letter to inform you that after several observations during the last year as well as some physical evidence, we have come to the conclusion that there is an area inside your brain in which light has not been able shine, and this “dark force” has been observed in some of Britain's intellectual elites causing a gravitational effect in which many so called intellectuals are drawn to the same erroneous conclusion about the Middle East.

 These are some equations that prove the existence of such a force that we shall call Britain’s Intellectual Black Hole (BIBH).

 We have observed bursts of vibrating energy being emitted from the following communities:

A) Gay and Lesbian.
B) Women’s rights.
C) Democratic forces with all the conditions needed for such a phenomenon.
D) Religious freedom (See Bahai Faith phenomenon).
From a region in Space Time called the State of Israel that is not equal to other entities in the same region.

This region in Space Time is also considered the only free and democratic area.

The disputed mass that collided with this land back in 1967, has gradually gravitated back to its original orbit (90% approximately) after meeting the physical condition of recognition (See Sinai Peninsula) or by negligence (See Gaza Satellite of Hostility).

The remaining mass is waiting to be divided only after these conditions have been met.
A) Recognition and B) Independent orbits with no further collisions.

Education is the light, and you are located close to a bright star, not educating people about this physical phenomena in Cambridge, or in Ramallah has a direct effect on the orbit and the result of future collisions.


 Albert Epstein
 Princeton, New Jersey