The Black Hole inside Hawking’s Brain
Dear Mr Hawking, I am writing this letter to inform you that after several observations during the last year as well as some physical evidence, we have come to the conclusion that there is an area inside your brain in which light has not been able shine, and this “dark force” has been observed in some of Britain's intellectual elites causing a gravitational effect in which many so called intellectuals are drawn to the same erroneous conclusion about the Middle East.
These are some equations that prove the existence of such a force that we shall call Britain’s Intellectual Black Hole (BIBH).
We have observed bursts of vibrating energy being emitted from the following communities:
A) Gay and Lesbian.
B) Women’s rights.
C) Democratic forces with all the conditions needed for such a phenomenon.
D) Religious freedom (See Bahai Faith phenomenon).
From a region in Space Time called the State of Israel that is not equal to other entities in the same region.
This region in Space Time is also considered the only free and democratic area.
The disputed mass that collided with this land back in 1967, has gradually gravitated back to its original orbit (90% approximately) after meeting the physical condition of recognition (See Sinai Peninsula) or by negligence (See Gaza Satellite of Hostility).
The remaining mass is waiting to be divided only after these conditions have been met.
A) Recognition and B) Independent orbits with no further collisions.
Education is the light, and you are located close to a bright star, not educating people about this physical phenomena in Cambridge, or in Ramallah has a direct effect on the orbit and the result of future collisions.
Albert Epstein
Princeton, New Jersey