Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Verse System (V): A Universal Measurement Framework for Interstellar Science and Communication

 The Verse System (V): A Universal

Measurement Framework for

Interstellar Science and



We propose the Verse System (V), a universal system of mea-

surement based on fundamental physical constants: the speed of light

(c) and the hydrogen hyperfine transition period (Thydrogen). This

system provides a measurement framework for distance, time, and

timekeeping that is independent of planetary cycles and human con-

ventions, ensuring applicability for interstellar communication,

space exploration, and scientific research. We define the Verse

(V) as ...

1 Introduction

Human measurement systems, including SI and Imperial units, are Earth-

centric and unsuitable for interstellar communication. The need for a planet-

independent measurement system arises in the context of space explo-

ration and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). The Verse

System (V) addresses this issue by defining distance, time, and a cal-

endar system based on universal physical constants, recognizable by any

advanced civilization.


2 The Verse Distance Unit (V)

2.1 Definition

The Verse (V) is defined as:

1V = c × Thydrogen (1)


• c = 299, 792, 458 m/s (speed of light),

• Thydrogen = 7.04024 × 10−10 s (hydrogen hyperfine transition period).

This results in:

1V = 0.211 mm (2)

2.2 Scaling for Practical Use

Table 1: Scaling of the Verse Distance Unit

Unit Notation Value

Verse (V) 100 0.211 mm

KiloVerse (kV) 103 21.1 cm

MegaVerse (MV) 106 211 km

GigaVerse (GV) 109 211,000 km

TeraVerse (TV) 1012 211 million km

3 The Verse Time Unit (VT)

3.1 Definition

The Verse Time (VT) is based on the same hydrogen hyperfine transition:

1VT = Thydrogen = 7.04024 × 10−10 s (3)


Unit Notation Value

Verse Time (VT) 100 7.04 × 10−10 KiloVerse Time (kVT) 103 7.04 × 10−7 MegaVerse Time (MVT) 106 7.04 × 10−4 GigaVerse Time (GVT) 109 0.704 s

TeraVerse Time (TVT) 1012 704 s (12 min)




Table 2: Scaling of the Verse Time Unit

3.2 Scaling for Practical Use

4 The Verse Calendar

The Verse Calendar provides a universal timekeeping system that is inde-

pendent of planetary motion. It is structured as follows:

Table 3: The Verse Calendar System

Verse Calendar Unit Symbol Duration

Verse Cycle VC 12 minutes

Verse Hour VH 1 hour

Verse Day VD 10 hours

Verse Week VW 3.3 Earth days

Verse Month VM 33 Earth days

Verse Year VY 330 Earth days

5 Applications of the Verse System

The V system applies across various scientific disciplines:

• Quantum physics (VT for atomic transitions)

• Quantum physics (VT for atomic transitions)

• Computing (kVT for processor cycles)

• Computing (kVT for processor cycles)

• Human-scale timekeeping (VH, VD for standard clocks)

• Human-scale timekeeping (VH, VD for standard clocks)

• Interstellar travel (TV, PV for space navigation)

• Interstellar travel (TV, PV for space navigation)

• Cosmology (PVT, EVT for galactic-scale measurements)

• Cosmology (PVT, EVT for galactic-scale measurements)


• SETI (for extraterrestrial communication protocols)

6 Conclusion

The **Verse System (V)** presents a **universal measurement framework**

for interstellar science. It is based on natural constants, making it a log-

ical standard for interstellar navigation, SETI, and astrophysical

research. We propose its adoption for:

• Space agencies (NASA, ESA, SpaceX) for interstellar travel.

• Astrophysicists for cosmic-scale measurements.

• SETI programs for extraterrestrial communication.